13 November 2012

Clothing Stain Remover

I am always up for trying anything.  And seeing as I don't really have anything in my home that is chemical-based, it was wonderful to stumble upon this idea for a clothing stain remover.  While the author uses it for arm pit stains on shirts, I use it for every single peice of clothing that has any type of stain on it.  Chocolate stains- gone forever!  Grass stains- gone.  Tomato sauce/Ketchup stains- gone.  Stains on clothes that you can't bear to throw away from this time last year- gone!  It's amazing.

The three ingredients for this concoction mixture are:  

2-4T hydrogen peroxide
1tsp Dawn dish soap
2T baking soda.

I mix all three together in a dish, using a 1 tsp. measuring spoon, I use it to scoop it out and dob it on, and then use the back of the measuring spoon to give it a light rub in, if needed.  I wait at least 30 minutes and then wash as normal.

I can't say it has got every single old stain out, but has nearly every one.  I would say 99.5% of the time it gets it out.  And now, if this doesn't get out a stain, the clothing is tossed to be disposed of. No point keeping it.

Before.... (I have no idea what the stain is or how it got there)

and, after!

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